It’s been a while since I’ve really came on to blog or post anything. I’ve been keeping myself busy. Staying busy keeps my mind off of things.
For one, we are just over a month before my book with Emilia is released and we have already received our advanced copies. I’ve posted an unboxing video on YouTube and have teased some things on social media.
While it’s not supposed to be released until April 11th, it’s already in stores in several places across the world, like Australia.

Besides the book, I’ve been busy working and working a freelance job with some friends that I know from college, which has been fun and keeping my mind off of things for sure. Plus, I feel like the more I do things, the stronger I get as a marketer.
I also took my Etsy store down this weekend for a while. I need to recharge on that and my heart isn’t in it right now. There’s some things I want to do for the shop and I can’t do that when I have to constantly fill orders. It will be back, though. Just, I need a break from it right now.
My goal is to blog here more. I’ve slacked over at and here, and I need to get back to who I am. A part that is going to help me is that I’m going to a convention soon with friends and that’s going to be so good for me.
We have some pretty big things coming up on with the 30th anniversary around the corner and it’s 98.5% all Amber spearheading the charge and I can’t thank her enough for that. It’s some things we kind of wanted to do before we got the book deal, so we’ve rearranged a few things and still doing it. I’m being very careful with what I say right now not to give anything away. 🙂
I’m also going to work on my portfolio here on my site, but it will be listed under a password. I’m going to start on that soon and just get back to writing for the love of it. Now that I have a real book published, I hope to have something fictional published one day. That’s my dream and goal. I want to get back to where I was writing fiction all the time and the stuff that people loved to read.
So look for more updates here soon. I promise, they are going to come. Plus, there’s going to be something with some ultimate fangirling soon. I promise.