I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this post since that moment in a small hotel room in Bremerton, Washington—an idyllic, Hallmark-movie town. It was there that I saw the news: Liam Payne from One Direction was dead. I gasped, almost screaming. I clicked the...
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
It’s been a while since I’ve really came on to blog or post anything. I’ve been keeping myself busy. Staying busy keeps my mind off of things.
Goodbye 2022, I hope I don’t see you again
Last year when the clock struck midnight and it became 2022, I didn’t realize this was going to be the year that changed my life. All I could think about was “finally, I get concerts back!”
Dear Writer’s Block, I hate you!
I pretty much realized what I wanted to do with my life because I started writing fan fiction not long after I graduated high school. I realized I loved to write, which led me to designing websites, making graphics, and even though I didn't know it at the time,...
When Fandoms collide
I’ve always been the kind of girl that kept her fandoms separately. You had “Friends” to the left and you had country music on the right. Or football to the left and Backstreet Boys to the right.
Over the past few years, they’ve started merging.
“Saved by the Bell” still owns me 30 years later
As a child and young teenager, my favorite television show besides "Beverly Hills, 90210" was "Saved by the Bell." Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosselaar - yes, I still remember how to spell his last name) owned my heart. He may have been the very first blonde I lusted...
Fangirl Rules To Follow in Your Respective Fandoms
Do you remember back in, I think it was '98 or '99, Chris Rock came out with a song called "No Sex (In The Champagne Room)?" and dedicated it to the Class of '99? That song and this post is going to have a little in common. I'm going to share some rules of being a...
Why Journalism Leaves A Bad Taste in My Mouth today
A lot of people know this already, but I spent over 10 years in journalism. I won awards for not only my writing, photography and designs, but toward the end of 2017, my heart just wasn't in it anymore. In July 2018, I took a job in marketing and I honestly haven't...
A new beginning, but stuck in the past
I know what you're thinking - here we go again. Karah has started another site which will end up closing, blah blah blah. Well, I can probably agree because over the last 20+ years, that's kinda what would happen. But this time is a little different. A few months ago,...