The Blog - Thoughts from a Professional Fangirl

Looking Back: How Social Media Has Transformed Since Facebook’s Early Days
When Facebook first hit the scene in the mid-2000s, few could have predicted just how deeply social media would shape our...

You and me made a whole lot of history: RIP Liam Payne
I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this post since that moment in a small hotel room in Bremerton, Washington—an idyllic, Hallmark-movie town. It was there that I saw the news: Liam Payne...

Everything has changed
It's been a while since I've blogged on here, but that's my own fault. It's not for lack of wanting to do it or keeping this site updated more, but I've just been extremely busy. I guess I should go...

A Change Will Do You Good
Hello, dear readers! It's been a while, hasn't it? You might have noticed the silence on the blog lately, but there's a good reason for it. Life has been a rollercoaster of exciting changes, and I...

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
It’s been a while since I’ve really came on to blog or post anything. I’ve been keeping myself busy. Staying busy keeps my mind off of things.

Interview: ‘Making The Brand’
I sat down with my friend Brianne for her show Making The Brand.

Goodbye 2022, I hope I don’t see you again
Last year when the clock struck midnight and it became 2022, I didn’t realize this was going to be the year that changed my life. All I could think about was “finally, I get concerts back!”

Two months and a lot of changes
This might be one of the last personal posts that I post on my blog. At least deeply personal posts.